Assassin’s Creed BrotherhoodFree Download

Join the Brotherhood and fight against the Templars in Assassins Creed Brotherhood. Enter a detailed world where history and action collide, offering countless hours of engaging gameplay. The game is available for free download and can be installed on the supported hardware and Windows versions mentioned below.

Assassins Creed Brotherhood Game Overview

Assassin's Creed Brotherhood is a historical action-adventure game developed by Ubisoft Montreal. The game continues the story of Ezio Auditore da Firenze as he battles the Templars in Renaissance-era Rome. It features a mix of single-player and multiplayer modes, a first for the series.

The Plot and Setting

Historical Backdrop

Set against the backdrop of the Italian Wars from 1500 to 1507, Assassins Creed Brotherhood free download intertwines real historical events with its narrative. Players follow Ezio as he fights against the Borgia family, key figures in the Templar order. The game explores the millennia-old conflict between the Assassins, who believe in free will, and the Templars, who seek peace through control.

Modern-Day Storyline

Parallel to Ezio's journey is the modern-day storyline featuring Desmond Miles. Using the Animus, Desmond relives the memories of his ancestor Ezio to find a way to prevent a looming apocalypse in 2012. This dual narrative adds depth and urgency to the game's plot.

Gameplay Mechanics

Single-Player Experience

Assassin's Creed Brotherhood is primarily played from a third-person perspective. As Ezio, players can explore a vast open world, complete main missions, and engage in various side activities. The combat system has been refined from previous games, making offensive actions more effective. Players can use a mix of melee and ranged weapons, including new gadgets like poison darts and a crossbow.

The Brotherhood System

One of the standout features is the Brotherhood system in Assassins Creed Brotherhood free download for PC, allowing Ezio to recruit and train new Assassins. After liberating areas of Rome from Borgia control, players can enlist citizens into the Brotherhood. These recruits can be sent on missions across Europe or called upon for assistance during gameplay. This system adds a strategic layer, as managing and training recruits is crucial for success.

Combat and Stealth Enhancements

Advanced Combat Techniques

Combat in Assassins Creed Brotherhood is more aggressive and fluid than in previous titles. Ezio can now start an execution streak to rapidly dispatch multiple enemies. The game introduces new enemy types, including horsemen and papal guards, which require different strategies to defeat. Players can also throw heavy weapons and use Leonardo da Vinci's inventions, like a prototype tank, during special missions.

Enhanced Stealth Abilities

Stealth plays a crucial role in the game. Ezio can now utilize merchandise lifts to quickly scale buildings, and the environment is filled with hiding spots and opportunities for silent takedowns. The game encourages a mix of stealth and combat, allowing players to approach situations in various ways.

Exploring Rome

A Living, Breathing City

Rome is the primary setting and is significantly larger than any city in previous "Assassin's Creed" games. The city has five districts: Vatican, Central, Trans-Tiber, Country, and Antique. Each district has unique landmarks and challenges, including famous sites like the Colosseum and the Pantheon. Players can renovate areas of the city, which not only improves the environment but also unlocks new missions and rewards.

Side Missions and Activities

Beyond the main storyline, Assassins Creed Brotherhood PC download has a wealth of side missions. Players can undertake assassination contracts, explore underground lairs, and complete challenges for the Courtesans, Thieves, and Mercenaries guilds. These activities provide additional context and substantial rewards to the game's world.

Multiplayer Component

Innovative Multiplayer Modes

Assassin's Creed Brotherhood is the first game in the series to feature multiplayer. Players assume the roles of Templars in training and participate in various game modes like Wanted, Alliance, Manhunt, and Assassinate. Each mode requires players to use their assassination skills and stealth tactics to hunt down targets while avoiding pursuers.

Character Customization and Progression

Multiplayer includes a leveling system where players earn experience points to unlock abilities, perks, and new characters. Customization options allow players to change their character's appearance and equip different gear. This progression system adds depth and replayability to the multiplayer experience.

Desmond's Role and Modern-Day Missions

Desmond's Evolution

For the first time, players can control Desmond outside the Animus in Assassins Creed Brotherhood. Desmond explores Monteriggioni, the Assassins' base, uncovering secrets and completing training missions that test combat and free-running skills. These modern-day segments provide a break from Ezio's story and develop Desmond's character further.

The Search for the Apple of Eden

Desmond's primary goal is to locate the Apple of Eden, a powerful artifact that can prevent the apocalypse. As Desmond delves deeper into Ezio's memories, he uncovers clues about the Apple hidden in a First Civilization Temple. This quest adds an overarching goal that connects historical and modern stories.

The Brotherhood System

Recruiting and Training Assassins

Ezio's efforts to rebuild the Brotherhood form a central part of the gameplay. After destroying Borgia towers, players can recruit new Assassins. These recruits gain experience from missions and can be customized regarding skills and equipment. The Brotherhood system emphasizes the importance of teamwork and strategy in achieving objectives.

Using the Brotherhood in Combat

Recruits can be summoned during missions to assist Ezio in combat or stealth operations in Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood. This feature adds tactical depth, as players must decide when and how to use their recruits effectively. Balancing the training and deployment of Assassins is key to maintaining a strong Brotherhood.

Historical Figures and Landmarks

Famous Faces

Historical characters like Leonardo da Vinci, Niccolò Machiavelli, and Rodrigo Borgia play significant roles in the story. Their inclusion adds authenticity and depth to the game's story. Each character has unique missions and interactions that enrich the overall experience.

Iconic Locations

Assassin's Creed Brotherhood recreates famous landmarks such as the Colosseum, the Pantheon, and St. Peter's Basilica. These sites are not just backdrops but integral parts of the gameplay, offering exploration, combat, and parkour opportunities. The attention to detail in these environments enhances the sense of immersion.

Special Missions and Challenges

Leonardo's War Machines

Players undertake special missions involving Leonardo da Vinci's war machines throughout the game, including a cannon-equipped kite and a prototype tank. Ezio must destroy these inventions and their plans to prevent the Templars from using them. These missions are a highlight, combining intense action with historical creativity.

Romulus Lairs

Another unique aspect of Assassins Creed Brotherhood latest version is the exploration of Romulus lairs. These underground locations are filled with puzzles and enemies, leading to the hidden treasure of the Followers of Romulus. Completing these lairs rewards players with special armor and weapons, providing incentives to explore every corner of Rome.

Final Words

Assassin's Creed Brotherhood stands out for its rich story, refined gameplay mechanics, and detailed recreation of Renaissance Rome. Integrating single-player and multiplayer modes offers diverse experiences, keeping players engaged. The Brotherhood system, historical characters, and intricate plotlines make it a memorable entry in the series.

Ezio's journey to liberate Rome and rebuild the Brotherhood provides a compelling story that intertwines with the larger Assassin's Creed lore.

How To Free Download Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood And Install It

  1. To download this PC game, you will see three possible buttons below:
    a. Fast Download: Click on it to download the file from high-speed servers.
    b. Direct Download: Use it if the fast download button doesn't exist or isn't working.
    c. Magnet: Use it to download using peer-to-peer technology, but you must first install a torrent client like UTorrent or BitTorrent.
  2. Once downloaded, if the game folder of Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood is compressed, like .zip/.rar/.7z, use 7Zip or WinRaR to unzip it.
  3. After de-compressing it, consider the following two options:
    a. Open it, and if you see the setup file, click on it to start the installation process and ensure you have recommended storage available on your PC.
    b. If it comes pre-installed, click on the Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood launcher file ending with .exe to start playing the game.

Troubleshoot Instructions:

  1. If there is any error, like some dll file that is not present, You can search the filename with a .dll extension from the internet, download it, and place it in the game folder to fix it.
  2. Ensure you have installed the latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable and DirectX versions on your PC.
  3. The antivirus program sometimes disables or blocks its files. You can disable it during the first game run and whitelist the folder from scanning.
  4. Running the launcher file as Administrator also solves most of the issues.
  5. You can check the Games FAQ page for additional assistance.

Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood

  • 2011-03-16
  • 7.8 GB
  • 1.0

System Requirements

  • OS:Windows XPWindows VistaWindows 7Windows 8.1Windows 10Windows 11
  • Processors:Intel Core 2 Duo 18AMD Athlon X2 64
  • Platform:Windows
  • Memory:1.5 GB


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