Star Trek: Starship CreatorFree Download

Commander Your Destiny with Star Trek: Starship Creator! Craft, Command, and Explore the Cosmos. Unveil the Ultimate Star Trek Experience Today. The game is available for free download and can be installed on supported Windows versions and hardware mentioned below.

Star Trek Starship Creator Game Overview

Star Trek Starship Creator is a simulation game that allows players to design and customize their starships from the Star Trek universe. It offers a deep level of ship customization, enabling players to create unique vessels and explore various missions and scenarios. 

Start On A Starship Odyssey

Star Trek Starship Creator presents a unique opportunity for players to immerse themselves in the captivating world of Star Trek. Released for both Microsoft Windows and Mac OS, this game unfolds within the confines of a computer-based vehicle simulation. With the official license of the Star Trek franchise, players are instantly transported into a universe where they can shape their destiny among the stars.

Design Your Cosmic Vessel

At the heart of Star Trek Starship Creator free download lies the chance to forge your starships. With different ship classes, aspiring captains can meticulously customize every facet of their vessels. From the contours of the hull to the comfort of crew quarters, the possibilities are as limitless as the cosmos itself. This hands-on approach to ship creation fosters a sense of ownership and pride as you mold a starship worthy of the Star Trek legacy.

Venturing Beyond The Stars

However, ship creation is only the beginning of this cosmic journey in Star Trek Starship Creator PC download. Players have the opportunity to assemble their dream crew, bringing aboard their favorite Star Trek characters to navigate the vast expanse of space. Once your crew is assembled, it's time to put their skills to the test by embarking on daring missions that push the boundaries of exploration and diplomacy.

As you guide your crew through the trials and tribulations of the cosmos, you'll find yourself on the cusp of thrilling discoveries and heart-pounding encounters.

Expanding The Horizons

The journey of Star Trek Starship Creator free download for PC did not end with its initial launch. Building upon the foundation of the original game, an expanded version emerged in the form of a Deluxe edition in late 1999. This deluxe edition breathed new life into the game by introducing additional starships, missions, and customization options.

The galaxy of possibilities expanded even further, inviting players to chart an even grander course among the stars.

Final Words

It's a chance to channel your inner captain, explore the farthest reaches of space, and etch your chapter in the annals of Star Trek history. As the stars beckon and the universe awaits, will you rise to the occasion and boldly go where no player has before?

Star Trek: Starship Creator

  • 1998-09-30
  • 259.6 MB
  • 1.0

System Requirements

  • OS:Windows 98Windows XPWindows 7Windows VistaWindows 8.1Windows 10Windows 11
  • Platform:Windows

Game Details