Swordash 2.0.11Free Download


Free Download Swordash MOD Version Unlocked Ad-Free APK for Android Phones and Tablets. It is an adrenaline-pumping Android game that immerses players in a world overrun by zombies. The game presents a thrilling narrative in which a bizarre substance suddenly appears in the sky, triggering an unexpected mutation in humanity and resulting in a global zombie outbreak.

Swordash Game Overview

It is an exhilarating, action-packed Android game that plunges players into a post-apocalyptic world overrun by zombies. The game begins with an unprecedented event - a peculiar substance suddenly appears in the sky, triggering an instantaneous and unexpected mutation in humanity. As a result, zombies swarm across the globe, threatening the existence of society.

Unleash Your Power

Players get to master the utilization of random skills that manifest during intense battles. The game introduces the concept of collecting disks possessing incredible power, allowing players to unleash devastating attacks on the zombie horde.

Arsenal of Weapons and Gear

Arm yourself with diverse weapons and gear, each with unique features and abilities. The game encourages players to strategize and choose their equipment wisely to face off against the zombies effectively.

Conquer Daunting Bosses and Challenges

Each level presents daunting bosses and new challenges for players to conquer. It keeps the gameplay dynamic and engaging by constantly introducing fresh obstacles that require skill and strategy.

Enhance Abilities with Science

Utilize the power of science to enhance your character's abilities and grow stronger. The game incorporates an upgrade system that allows players to augment their skills, making them more effective against the zombie menace.

Heart-Racing Action

It promises an adrenaline rush with its fast-paced gameplay. Join the fight against the zombie apocalypse and showcase your skills to save the world. Join the Discord community to stay updated on game news, offer suggestions, report bugs, or directly connect with the developers: Swordash Discord Community.


Swordfish is an action-packed Android game combining survival elements with a captivating storyline. Its diverse gameplay mechanics, gripping narrative, and constant challenges keep players engaged and on the edge of their seats. Join the battle against the zombie onslaught and unveil the mysteries within the game's intriguing storyline.


Q: Is an internet connection required to play it?
A: It requires an internet connection due to its online features and gameplay.

Q: Can I play it offline?
A: It is primarily an online game requiring an internet connection.

Q: Are there regular updates and new content in it?
A: The developers frequently release updates for it, introducing new content, features, and improvements to the game.

Swordash v2.0.11

  • 2024-03-14
  • 280 MB
  • 2.0.11

MOD APK (No Dash Cost, One Hit)

Swordash v2.0.9

  • 2024-02-11
  • 279 MB
  • 2.0.9

MOD APK (No Dash Cost, One Hit)

Swordash v2.0.7

  • 2024-01-01
  • 257 MB
  • 2.0.7

MOD APK (No Dash Cost, One Hit)

System Requirements

  • OS:Android 6.0+
  • Platform:Android

Game Details