CodyCross: Crossword 1.86.2Free Download

Free Download CodyCross: Crossword MOD Version Unlocked Ad-Free APK for Android Phones and Tablets. It is an engaging and entertaining crossword puzzle game designed for everyone. Whether you're a seasoned word game enthusiast or a casual player looking to enhance your vocabulary, it offers an immersive experience that will keep you entertained and mentally stimulated.

CodyCross: Crossword Free Download Overview

In the game, you're introduced to Cody, a friendly alien from the planet COD-X who has landed on Earth to learn about our fascinating planet. As you play through the game's levels, you'll uncover exciting facts and engage in unique word puzzle challenges that entertain and educate you.

Multiple Word Game Modes with Optional Daily Challenges

It doesn't just offer one way to play – it presents you with multiple word game modes to keep things fresh and exciting. From the intriguing "Today's Password," where you must guess the secret word in under six tries, to the cryptic "Crypto" mode that tests your symbol decoding skills, there's something for everyone. Plus, themed mini crossword events provide a constant stream of engaging content to keep you busy and having fun daily.

Keep Your Brain Sharp

It provides the perfect challenge for those seeking puzzle games for adults. With its diverse range of game modes and a monthly updated progressive map filled with new content, you'll find yourself consistently engaged and mentally sharpened. It's not just about solving crosswords; it's about expanding your knowledge, improving your spelling, and enhancing your language skills.

More Than a Crossword Puzzle

It is not your average crossword puzzle game. It's a one-of-a-kind experience that goes beyond traditional word games. Its unique gameplay mechanics and innovative challenges make it an exceptional option for word game enthusiasts.


CodyCross: Crossword mod apk stands out in mobile games as fresh air. It combines the joy of crossword puzzles with an immersive narrative and various game modes that cater to all skill levels. Whether you're a word game lover or simply looking for a fun way to challenge your brain, it has you covered.


Q: Is it suitable for players of all ages?
A: The game is designed to be enjoyed by players of all ages, from youngsters looking to improve their language skills to adults seeking mental stimulation.

Q: How often is the game's map updated with new content?
A: The game's map is updated monthly with fresh content, ensuring that players always have new challenges to look forward to.

Q: Can I play offline?
A: You can enjoy the game without an internet connection, making it a perfect companion for home and on-the-go play.

Q: What languages are supported in the game?
A: The game is fully localized to various languages, ensuring that players from different regions can enjoy it in their native tongues.

Q: How does the "Today's Password" game mode work?
A: In "Today's Password," you must guess the secret word using six or fewer attempts, adding a layer of challenge to your word-solving skills.

CodyCross - Crossword v1.86.2

  • 2024-06-23
  • 132 MB
  • 1.86.2

MOD APK (Unlimited Money)

CodyCross - Crossword v1.86.1

  • 2024-06-03
  • 132 MB
  • 1.86.1

MOD APK (Unlimited Money)

CodyCross - Crossword v1.84.2

  • 2024-04-16
  • 130 MB
  • 1.84.2

MOD APK (Unlimited Money)

System Requirements

  • OS:Android 5.1+
  • Platform:Android